Bulk SMS/Email Service
Bulk SMS/Email Service

The time has gone when mobile were just used for communication purpose. Now-a-days, Mobile or a smart phone is used for various activities like checking emails, shopping cool stuffs, stay in touch with friends through internet chatting, sending or forwarding cool stuffs and so on. Thus Mobile has become a great source of spreading information. The number of mobile & smartphone users is increasing day by day. This gives a strong boost for mobile marketing.
Sending Bulk SMS or SMS Marketing has become a great marketing source in today's marketing strategies.
As number of mobile users is increasing many mobile companies started providing various features with their mobile phones such as, Internet, free chatting, text forwarding, video calling, File sharing, and so on making mobile phone a necessity for the youths. This is why mobile marketing or SMS Marketing is great source to get in touch with people or your audience.
Through Bulk SMS Marketing you can directly reach out to many customers with a single click. Comparing to other marketing strategies and platforms, mobile marketing gets a quick response and feedback to your offers. Many people used to forward the interesting SMS to their groups as it is and this the way your SMS can be get spread within their group and so on. Due to the Fast response rate of SMS Marketing, many companies and organizations are tend to opt Bulk SMS facility to send their latest offers or news to their customers.
Bulk sms is widely used in almost every sectors and it is the cheapest and fastest way to provide information to your customers. It is used in Schools or colleges to provide information about the special class, exam time, results, or any other news to many students or a batch at once. Bulk SMS can be used by a Retail store to inform about their latest discount offers, seasonal offers to all their customers. Bulk SMS is also a great source for many sectors and industries like, travel companies, school colleges, retail stores, hotels, government offices, corporate, banks, insurance companies, finance companies, and so on...
Big Tech Solutions is leading Bulk SMS providers in India. With Big Tech Solutions, sending Bulk SMS or SMS Marketing is not a critical task. You can set up your Bulk SMS portal within few minutes or few clicks. We provide the easiest way for sending bulk SMS throughout India, helping you to reach out many customers at a time.
There are Three Major SMS Types.
- Transactional SMS Transactional SMS is the SMS providing information about the status or alert messages. Promotional languages or messages are strictly not allowed in Transactional SMS Transactional SMS is kind of message having only information sent by a company or organization to its customers or agents about current status of their transactions. Transactional SMS has no time limit and can be send or delivered at any time around the clock.
- Promotional SMS Promotional SMS can have promotional language or message and you can promote your business, offer or advertise your product. This is the kind of SMS sent by a organization, business owner or company to anyone from your contact list. Regardless, whether the contact person is your existing customer or not. Promotional SMS has a time limit and can be send or delivered from 9AM to 9PM only including holidays.
- Voice SMS You can deliver your message to your customers through pre-recorded human Voice instead of plain text SMS. Voice SMS will help you deliver the message with emotions or with your voice to give more impact of the messages. Voice SMS is the best option for those who has language or literacy barriers.